- Born in 1989
- Languages: German, Spanish, English
Education and professional experience
- MLaw University of Lucerne 2016
- Trainee at the Chancellery of the City of Schaffhausen 2017
- Trainee and Law Clerk ad hoc at the Cantonal Court of Schaffhausen 2018
- Employee in Legal & Compliance Team of two major Swiss banks 2017, 2019, 2020
- Admission to the bar 2020
Preferred Practice Areas
- Criminal defense
- Representation of victims and injured parties
- Contract law (in particular tenancy and employment law)
- Intellectual property law
- Migration law
- Family law
- Debt enforcement and bankruptcy law
- Construction and real estate law (private and public construction law)
Special activities
- “Member of the association first hour lawyer (Canton Schwyz)”
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